You keep your home layered in protection with the latest home security devices. Your Wi-Fi is encrypted to keep the cybercrime out. You have a monitoring company watching over the house when you’re out. Things have never been safer at home. However, the time has come to move to a new area and you need to put the house on the market for sale. This means inviting total strangers to walk through your home. What can you do to keep your valuables safe in the home? Most of these points lean toward our common sense, but reminders are good for everyone. It is disappointing that you need to be so cautious, but this is a fact when you deal with unknown people in your home.
Put away, hide, and lock up your valuables. It seems like obvious advice, but in this case, it would be of benefit to think a little deeper than your diamond earrings on the dresser. In your home, what might be considered valuable and need home security?
- Jewelry
- Art
- Prescription medications
- Weapons, such as guns and knives (incl. kitchen)
- Papers, mail, calendars with personal information
- Photos showing the family
- Electronics
- Keys and key fobs
Jewelry and art can be stolen and resold, along with prescription medications and weapons. Computer access and personal papers can reveal information used for identity theft. Family photos show your lifestyle and favorite places. The basic rule is to lock up anything that could be taken and resold or used against you.
FSBO or Agent?
Many homeowners want to try and sell their home on their own to save money. But, this requires extreme safety measures and some home security. Some claim an interest in your home but may only have the motive of scoping out who lives there and what is inside. An agent serves as a supervisor for these visits. Future buyers get screened by the realtor and escorted through the home. It also isn’t necessary for you to be present each time. If you choose to sell on your own, keep in mind the suggestions listed above, along with these additional reminders:
- Never show the home alone, have a friend with you
- Skip Open House, you can’t watch everyone at the same time
- Minimize the social chit-chat, don’t volunteer personal info
- Schedule daylight showings only
- Do not allow for unscheduled visits
- Walk behind your guests for safety
- Secure pets to avoid liability
Home Security Options
Whether the home is shown by you or an agent, don’t assume it is securely locked up. When the guests have gone, go back through the house and check the window and door locks. Also, check to make sure other things are still in place. A big assistant to this would be to have a home security system in the home. Not only is it a major selling point for your home, but it is a safety factor for you. As you draw attention to your home for sale purposes, it also draws the attention of those looking to take advantage.
Having a home security system relieves a lot of worrying. Also, adding 24/7 monitoring keeps an eye on the home when you can’t. With today’s technology, any movement detected on your cameras is sent to your smartphone. There never has to be a question of what happened since it is all recorded. Allied Home Security can assist you with these decisions. Give us a call today and see what we can do to help you to secure your home now and after the move.